
Preparing for AI Risk Oversight

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 Preparing for AI Risk Oversight

AFL-CIO officially kicked off the next proxy season’s hottest trend with a series of AI-focused shareholder proposals demanding transparency and ethical guidelines from media giants like Apple and Disney. We spoke to governance experts (David Berger, Andrew Behar and our boy Michael Levin) about how boards and investors should understand the technology, namely as an amplification of existing risks, and about what will compel oversight. Doomer or not, the issue is fundamental across industries — like fish and water, Levin said.

Read our full feature here.

  • 🌐 And just like that, key institutions including Norway’s central bank and New York City pension funds are lining up behind an AI risk proposal at Microsoft, Responsible Investor reports.

  • ☕ Everything you need to know here from TAI about the SEIU-CWA-UFW coalition’s pursuit of three Starbucks board seats in an unprecedented union-focused proxy contest.

  • 🏛️ Fresh off the House Judiciary subpoenaing As You Sow and the Glasgow Alliance for Net Zero, ImpactAlpha digs deep hereinto antitrust arguments against coordinating climate transition.

Troop in the news 

Proposal at BofA Eyes New Breed of Pass-Through Voting (The Deal)

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